(EXW) Delivery in commercial enterprise / Ex Works
(FCA) Delivery to Carrier/ Free CARRIER
(FAS) Delivery Alongside Ship/ Free Alongside Ship
(FOB) Delivery on Board / Free and Board
(CFR) Cost and Freight / Cost and Freight
(CIF) Cost, Insurance and Freight / Cost, Insurance and Freight
(CPT) Delivered Carriage Paid To / Carriage Paid To
(CIP) Delivered Carriage and Insurance Paid To / Carriage and Insurance Paid To
(DAF) Delivered At Frontier
(DES) Delivered Ex Ship
(DEQ) Delivered at Dock (Duty Paid) / Delivered Ex Quay (Duty Paid)
(DDU) Delivered Duty Unpaid / Delivered Duty Unpaid
(DDP) Delivered Duty Paid / Delivered Duty Paid

In International Transport
“Trusted” Brand.